Welcome to our Family!!!
We have a new family member! We're back to 4 Tonks with the addition of a new Natural Mink Tonkinese to our household. After a flurry of kitten power talks and emails with a breeder in Virginia, we made trip to "adopt" this little five-month old kitten on Thursday. Today is her 5th month birthday. She's just adorable, very brave, and very affectionate. I'm just thrilled with her. She was spayed a week ago and had her stitches out on Wednesday.
Natural Mink is what my Ping was, our cat who died last year on September 11th. I loved her very much. She was unique, one of a kind, and irreplaceable. I'm not trying to replace Ping, truly. I loved Ping's coloring and her mink-like coat. The Natural Mink is fairly rare and darkens as the cat ages until it's a deep sable with brown-black points. I also loved the time when our Tonks were kittens, and wanted to capture that fun time again.
And so we have! Our new kitten is named Catdancing Ming Toy. (Catdancing is the name of the cattery.) I call her Ming or Toy. Hubby calls her Shitsky, but just to push my buttons. He claims since she came from Warsaw, (Virginia) she's Polish, ergo the name Shitsky. The other Tonks call her An Intruder. They are Not Pleased. They have been shooting her dirty looks and giving her a hiss when they see her, complaining in low growls. She's being respectful of her elders, keeping her distance, but not hiding from them. Today we had a game of "catch the birdie" with a feather toy between Paddle, Pong, and Toy. Pretty soon the animosities from Pong and Paddle diminished and they were all jumping after the "bird." I think they will all be bonded in a few days. But for now, they just wish she'd go home.
Meanwhile, I was advised by the breeder that we should sleep with her for the first three nights. This is to assure that she bonds with us instead of the cats. Well, it hasn't worked out quite that way. I have spent the past two nights with Toy in the spare bedroom, while my husband has remained in our bedroom. He decided years ago that the cats had to sleep outside our bedroom so that he can get a good night's sleep. That's fine with me. After 2 night's, I'm feeling somewhat sleep-deprived. Toy is a kitten, after all, and feet under a sheet are meant to be pounced on. Regardless of my husband's refusal to sleep with her, she is bonding to him as well, jumping up on his lap and rolling over for a belly rub.
Lots of fun times ahead. I'm really happy.

Natural Mink is what my Ping was, our cat who died last year on September 11th. I loved her very much. She was unique, one of a kind, and irreplaceable. I'm not trying to replace Ping, truly. I loved Ping's coloring and her mink-like coat. The Natural Mink is fairly rare and darkens as the cat ages until it's a deep sable with brown-black points. I also loved the time when our Tonks were kittens, and wanted to capture that fun time again.
And so we have! Our new kitten is named Catdancing Ming Toy. (Catdancing is the name of the cattery.) I call her Ming or Toy. Hubby calls her Shitsky, but just to push my buttons. He claims since she came from Warsaw, (Virginia) she's Polish, ergo the name Shitsky. The other Tonks call her An Intruder. They are Not Pleased. They have been shooting her dirty looks and giving her a hiss when they see her, complaining in low growls. She's being respectful of her elders, keeping her distance, but not hiding from them. Today we had a game of "catch the birdie" with a feather toy between Paddle, Pong, and Toy. Pretty soon the animosities from Pong and Paddle diminished and they were all jumping after the "bird." I think they will all be bonded in a few days. But for now, they just wish she'd go home.
Meanwhile, I was advised by the breeder that we should sleep with her for the first three nights. This is to assure that she bonds with us instead of the cats. Well, it hasn't worked out quite that way. I have spent the past two nights with Toy in the spare bedroom, while my husband has remained in our bedroom. He decided years ago that the cats had to sleep outside our bedroom so that he can get a good night's sleep. That's fine with me. After 2 night's, I'm feeling somewhat sleep-deprived. Toy is a kitten, after all, and feet under a sheet are meant to be pounced on. Regardless of my husband's refusal to sleep with her, she is bonding to him as well, jumping up on his lap and rolling over for a belly rub.
Lots of fun times ahead. I'm really happy.

Thanks Leslie! She is so sweet. Wish you could give her a hug as well. Can't get over how fun it is to have a kitten in the house again.
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