Saturday, July 09, 2005


Just finished reading the book for our book club Monday. The Amateur Marriage. When we learned what the next book would be last month, I realized I had already read it. Anne Tyler is a favorite author of mine and I've read most, if not all, of her books. Anyway, decided I'd better leaf through it again to "refresh my memory" before Monday. I remembered how the story started, but couldn't recall much except that the main characters met on Pearl Harbor Day and he went off to war. After that I couldn't remember anything else. So I checked it out again from the library and started rereading it. Come to find out, I had only read the first 50 pages or so the first time around! Yikes! Only three days to read the whole book.

Well, it was a great book, so it was easy to get through it in just a couple of days. Lucky for me. I highly recommend it.


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