Oh, woe is me ...

Defaced Scream
Originally uploaded by t-squared.
I've spent the past few days in cyber hell trying to recreate - yes, FROM BLOODY SCRATCH - my ENTIRE blog. Somehow, when I tried to post it on Thursday, it had disintegrated. It was "Not Found." Huh? I pulled it up from my Bookmark Bar, and there it was, just as I'd left it. I could read it, but could not post to it, access the template, or in any way, shape, or form change or manipulate it. NOT FOUND. It's like it was encased in a glass box that I could only view from the outside, nose pressed flat. After poking around for a couple of hours, and in the process only screwing things up even further, I wrote to Blogger and waited patiently for them to respond. And waited. Imagined those nasty little computer nerds snorting their Coke out their noses laughing at me. Read other blogs. Got posting envy. When I hadn't received any help by Saturday, I figured if I waited for Blogger to extricate me from my mess, I might end up like one of those cobweb covered skeletons draped over my computer.
Well, that charming image finally motivated me. I decided to dive into HTML Land alone, armed only with the internet and Google to guide me. You see, I am not only a newbie to blogging, I'm a newbie to all things HTML. All those little squiggles and symbols make about as much sense to me as Egyptian hieroglyphics. Less, actually. The Egyptians had the good sense to draw their words as pictographs that translate into letters we can relate to.
Of course, since the old blog was defunct, I had to get a new web address. That's how disintegrated it was. The web address I wanted was already taken. By me. But even though it's mine, I can't have it. How mean is that? Now I'Il have to go through the embarrassing exercise of telling everyone my new blog address, and they probably haven't even looked me up yet on the OLD address. How pathetic is that? Don't mean to be a whiner, but I'm too old for this nonsense. I have, after all, a life to lead that actually consists of things other than a laptop computer. All this squinting at the computer screen is giving me wrinkles. I think I need Botox.
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