Hey, that was supposed to be my sandwich, you little thief!

Originally uploaded by tonkitty.
We have a lot of squirrels on our property. Uninvited, but here all the same. Jim feeds the birds, the deer, the pond fish, all the little critters that inhabit our neck of the woods. He can't help it. That's how he shows he cares - he feeds you. That is, all except the squirrels, but they don't know that. They think all the anti-squirrel contraptions he's rigged around the bird feeders to deter them are merely pieces of exercise equipment put there for their amusement. Or ours. They perform all kinds of acrobatics and trapeeze tricks, and they're really quite good at it. The best one I've seen yet is the Fireman's Pole Slide. They hike themselves up the pole that supports one of the feeders, grab a mouthful of seed, and then WHOOSH !! down they slide. All they need are little fireman's helmets to complete the picture. Too funny.
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