Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Fighting with Lace Knitting

There's one thing about being an ambitious beginner. You don't know what you don't know. And you don't know when a pattern is beyond your grasp. As I wrote earlier, I'm working on a Paton Divine Lace sweater that I fell in love with in a weak moment, knit with Divine yarn - soft, mohair-like, tufty, catches easily in the needles. I made the back and the front, and am working on one of the sleeves. That's where the lace begins. Well, that's where the trouble also begins. One thing I've learned while combatting the pattern and the tufty yarn is that you really need to concentrate when knitting lace. It's really, really hard to put back on the needles when you make a mistake. Not impossible, but it's very discouraging. And time consuming. Instead of liking the sweater more and more, I'm liking it less. I hope this feeling turns around, because I don't want to just abandon it, but knitting is supposed to be fun, and I'm not having fun right now.


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